Tuesday, May 26, 2009

State Tournament - Farmington, NM

Made it to Farmington for the state championship this past weekend. The lanes were in pretty good shape, the bowling alley was pretty nice, and the conditions were somewhat challenging in my opinion.
I dont remember the games exactly but I shot 537 in the team event. Yeah.... They oil was weird, you really couldnt swing it out to the 5 or else it wouldnt come back.
In the Doubles event I shot 573. I had one 200+ game but i forget what it was. I felt a little better about the shot, i knew not to swing it out, had to play a tighter line.
Singles event I shot 641. Had a 216, 15o something and a 277. On the last game, I had the front 9 and i was feeling the pressure. I sat by the lanes not near anyone and tried to calm my self down. I got up for the 10th frame, picked up my ball and took a deep breath. As soon as I released the ball, everyone that had gathered behind me started cheering and yelling. I missed my mark by 1 board to the left so even though it hit pocket, it left the good ol 10 pin.
Overall, it was a great experience. I got a bunch of pins that I am proudly displaying on my bowling bag. The best one is the 250 game pin :)

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