Monday, March 2, 2009

Friday night league - 727 series

w00t! I finally bowled good since the Vegas beating. Good ol League oil pattern.
Walked into the bowling alley only to be let down greatly. We were bowling on lanes 1 and 2, the crappiest pair in the house to bowl on. I was really wanting to bowl good too, and just knowing that I had a night of being on 1 and 2 ahead of me made me want to just go home. Went into this night with a 207.00 avg which was .18 above Aric.
First couple of balls in practice reacted well. 1 and 2 are always a little dry for me, and they are inconsistent. At the end of practice, I had the line on 1 but was still struggling on 2. I was throwing my Virtual Gravity as usual.
First Game -225
I was struggling with lane 2. Kept leaving single pins and hitting light. Finally in the 5th frame, i made a drastic move and came in high leaving a split. Made another adjustment and struck out for a 225. My feet were 3 boards right on lane 2 and my mark was 3 boards right. this pair is always this different.
Second Game - 280
After gettng 5 in a row to finish the first game, I was sure that this was going to be the game where i get my 300. First ball on lane 1 nails the pocket for a strike. Get to lane 2, miss my mark horribly and hit brooklyn but leave a 10 pin. ARGH. Picked it up and struck out for a 280. Missed my mark twice in the tenth frame but gool ol league pattern is forgiving enough to hook me up with strikes.
Third Game - 222
FIrst ball came in way high. Funny how quickly the oil changed. moved a bit on the second ball and came in high again, leaving the big four. yay. another 280 game backed up by a 170. Michael suggested i move my entire shot. I moved the entire shot left about 3 boards on both lanes. Thank you Michael. Struck to the 8th frame where i had a pocket 7 - 10. Sigh. Tried to shake it off in the 9th but i slowed my ball to much and left a 10. picked it up though. Got up in the 10th frame, got a solid strike. Tom came over and told me that I had just secured a 700 series. Wow. on 1 and 2. Thats a huge accomplishment in my book. Ended up striking out in the 10th for the 222.
Aric did horible, i think he shot a 520 or something. I am starting to pull away from him as far as average goes. I noticed Larry is creeping up slowly but surely and could take the high avereage spot from me if im not carefull. 
727 is the highest series I have ever thrown. I was trying some new tactics to clear my head and calm myself before every shot. Im not sure if this is why i scored high, but i think it helped greatly. my average going into next week is now 208.42 :). I will finish the year with a 215 or better.

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